Monday, May 21, 2007

Pee-Wee harmonica music bus arrival


Splantrik said...

This happened to me twice today: as busses appeared where I was waiting, hitchhiking harmonica music from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure started playing on my iPod (which was on shuffle). Only in LA. Indeed, this hasn't happened to me elsewhere, so yes, only in LA.

Liora's Dad said...

You're in LA?

Splantrik said...

Yes, at a workshop. We're making some shelves.

Anonymous said...

OK, its taken me two weeks to finally "get" your blog. Those are google image searches?? Too funny...great idea...

Liora's Dad said...

See! I told you to explain things better. Now you have Kali hooked and it took two weeks. She showed quite a bit of "stick-to-it-ness". Well done, Kali! Quite a feat for someone with ADHD, LOL ;)

I got bored after one day. And then he threatened my cat.