Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Twenty one-cent ammeters


Splantrik said...

Punker "Tessie" Adam Bolton.

Libertan said...

Where can I buy 0.21USD ammeters? From this post-showering douche? I don't particularly like his exceedingly gay nappy.

Libertan said...

Or are the ammeters 0.01USD each, there being 20 of them?

Splantrik said...

There's no hyphen between twenty and one; thus, the latter is correct.

Confession: the "exceedingly gay nappy" was added by myself, to retain the G(-)rated nature of Splantrik. I shall rescind, and resend, with a more (i.e. less) appropriate nappy, chosen from the same GIS field.

Splantrik said...

Ok, fixed.

Anonymous said...

Technically our GIS was without the 'hyphen' and so the issue of whether these ammeters are twenty in number or 0.21 USD in price is still and open matter.

Looks like pfund, along the same GISy lines,


As for modifying the GIS, well, I'm very concerned. Especially since you didn't declare this at the outset. As for the choice of nappy, again I was disappointed to see the inane smiley face. The remedey is more acceptable, however no nappy should be needed. I'm your only visitor, and I'm not G-rated, so I think we shouldn't be covering up cods. Ah, it appears I've already complained about his happy nappy. How very good of me.

Let me remind you of GIS 'boredom' where we inevitably visualize Hasselhoff's zooming erection. How can that be considered more acceptable than this man's sad sack? You really have some thinking to do, laddy.

Yours sincerely,
Vincent Bethell.

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