Friday, December 12, 2014

Ho Neyrinck badger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The ho, Neyrinck Badger, has a fairly long body, but is distinctly thick-set and broad across the back. Its skin is remarkably loose, and allows it to turn and twist freely within it.

The winter fur is long (being 40–50 mm long on the lower back), and consists of sparse, coarse, bristle-like hairs lacking underfur. Hairs are even sparser on the flanks, belly and groin.

There are two pairs of mammae. The ho, Neyrinck Badger, possesses an anal pouch which is eversible, a trait shared with hyenas and mongooses. The smell of the pouch is reportedly "suffocating", and may assist in calming bees when raiding beehives.

Little is known of the ho, Neyrink Badger's breeding habits. They live alone in self-dug holes. They are skilled diggers, able to dig tunnels into hard ground in 10 minutes.

The ho, Neyrinck Badger, is an intelligent animal and are one of a few species known to be capable of using tools.

The voice of the ho, Neyrinck Badger, is a hoarse "khrya-ya-ya-ya" sound. When mating, males emit loud grunting sounds.
