Friday, July 06, 2007

S plant iversary


Splantrik said...

Runner-up (1st result).

Yes, this is Splantrik's first birthday.

To commemorate it, please tell us how this blog has fundamentally changed your life.

Translator said...


First off, I don't drink anymore. I don't run red lights, I don't kill small animals for pleasure, and I don't spy on the Queen.

Thank you, Splantrik's Superness!

Splantrik said...

Ok, I put the "Runner-up" on the actual post. I hope this doesn't offend Splantrik traditionalists.

Libertan said...

They make a most excellent pair. where art thou now Hortensio? And where are all the wenches? And who are these Sprantrik tradionalists? And what is Splantrik's superness? sounds like some sort of character flaw.