Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Christ-awful cymbals


Splantrik said...

One hopes this concludes the sequence of Christoffel-symbol punnery.

Anonymous said...

That weaklypedo article was written by people with names like Silly Rabbit and Giftlite (which I assume is softcore astronomy porn, in your vein).

That link doesn't particularly clarify what the CSs are for, because that article is written by people who have long since forgotten how to speak plainly in a common language.

Still, you can't go wrong with ducklings, or in this case goslings of the Canada Goose. You can tell the difference by noting the strong legs of the gosling.

Anonymous said...

GIS christ-awful sim balls

Linked to from The Virtual Pew. Brings new testament meaning to the word 'Dickhead.' I'll get my jacket.