Saturday, January 03, 2009

Rat-like monkey pleads from erection hider


Liora's Dad said...

Quoth the Anteater, "You want a piece of 'dis shit?"

Splantrik said...

Hmm, I did think it looked odd for an aardvark, but then obviously I don't know quite what an aardvark looks like, nor why it has 2 consecutive a's at the start of its name.

My calling it an aardvark was based on its filename where it was found.


Anonymous said...

Aardvark is obviously an Afrikaans word, hence the double A. Much like 'Ann Arbor.' furthermore anteaters are South American creatures.

Standing up is the classic defensive posture for anteaters.

I'm dismayed by your ignore rants.

T Bethell said...

Anonymous said...

After viewing that photo of anteaters in sweaters, I am now an atheist.

Thank you, T Bethel. I'm now free from the inconvenience and overindulgence associated with organized religion. I now realize that life is meaningless, and I see that we are all spiraling toward our own inexorable doom (within four years, or so).

I will now only eat saw dust moistened by morning dew, and I will call the forest my home. Well, I mean the trees behind my current "human" home will now be called my new "natural" home.