Thursday, February 18, 2010

Morse planned trick


Splantrik said...

Curious, but unfortunately mainly for narrowly known reasons (although he does look like a sickly yet ravenous paste-eater).

I thought it was Matt Beasley in the thumbnail; now I see there's a bit of Nathaniel Cunningham thrown in there. But there's more: the name is John Morse (there was a Jon Morse at CASA while I was at CU), and the pictured is a CO state senator. Banal coincidences.

Anonymous said...

The name rang a Bethell.

In bird photography we would refer to the eye effect as 'steel eye' - the bird equivalent of 'red eye', except much more tasteful.

I would suggest having this man killed as soon as possible.

Splantrik said...

Killed? But what if he actually is a bird?

Cedric Tillman said...

He is a flesh-devouring demon, and he must be destroyed.